Easy Art Appreciation

Could you use an EASY way to incorporate art history and art appreciation into your homeschool day? WriteBonnieRose just released TWELVE new resources to help you do just that. There are resources for elementary-high school, and they are ALL 50% off through September 17, no coupon needed. You’ll find art appreciation focusing on artists from around the world, a coloring book about famous artists plus a coloring book with simplified famous artworks, drawing activities, notebooking, a card game for all ages, and a notebooking and writing unit for older students. Explore all the new titles and save today! writebonnierose.com/save-50-on-newest-titles

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NYS LEAH is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) primarily supported by member families through annual dues. If you are interested in furthering the homeschooling mission in New York and would like to donate please click on the link below. We’re eternally grateful for your partnership and support of homeschooling families throughout New York.

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