Free custom unit builder with curriculink

That’s right: we’re pleased to give you our custom unit builder for free, just in time for the school year. It leverages AI to rapidly outline units and lessons with suggested resources pulled from across the internet. The process only takes a couple minutes. This allows you to rapidly generate units on any topic, even niche ones you won’t find elsewhere. You can then edit the generated unit manually in our online editor to meet your specific requirements and generate more material based on tweaks you’ve made. After you’re satisfied with the results, you can download a PDF version of your unit to take on the go. Our goal is to enable you to be creative and flexible with your child’s education and be able to follow their interests.

AI is a new technology, and we understand there may be some uncertainty surrounding it. We also recognize that this is a strange and fundamentally new way to think about designing lesson and unit plans. However, we believe that we have a product that will be useful to homeschoolers and teachers everywhere. This is why we are releasing our AI-based unit builder for free. We are convinced you’ll be impressed once you’ve tried it. In the very near future, we will be releasing more features allowing you to make the most of your units, such as scheduling lessons to our calendar, recording grades and attendance, and enjoying an interactive teaching mode.

This is a profoundly interesting time for education. We anticipate AI will improve drastically in the coming years and is an emerging technology that cannot be ignored. Like AI, our unit builder is still extremely new, and we are committed to growing it along with the needs of our users. That said, we have many more ideas on how we can serve this community, and we look forward to incorporating your feedback into our future plans. This is only the beginning. We envision a world where everybody has access to custom, organized, and high-quality primary education, regardless of subject. We are determined to make that vision a reality.

If you’re interested in finding out more, please visit us at!

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NYS LEAH is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) primarily supported by member families through annual dues. If you are interested in furthering the homeschooling mission in New York and would like to donate please click on the link below. We’re eternally grateful for your partnership and support of homeschooling families throughout New York.

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