An Affordable Education with a Lasting Value

We know you care about being good stewards of your finances. At Cairn, we work with you so that your student can afford college, and you can be confident that the money spent is preparing your student with a robust biblical education. Each year, 97% of our students receive financial aid. On average, our undergraduate students save $20,042 in tuition each year. And there are ways to save even more! One of our favorite options for younger students is our dual enrollment program. Cairn’s dual enrollment offers a flexible modality where your student can earn college credit while still in high school, ultimately saving them thousands of dollars and even a whole semester when they’re ready for a Cairn education.

But they won’t just be getting any education. At Cairn, being part of dual enrollment means your student is an official Highlander! The education we provide for our traditional undergrad students will be no less for our dual enrollment students. Whether they choose to be in-person or online, they will be getting the same care and curriculum as the rest of our traditional students. Our classes are rooted in Christ and His Word and the professors care about each student, including yours. Learn more at

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Membership in LEAH is through a local chapter. A LEAH Chapter typically provides opportunities to meet with experienced home educators, field trips, athletic activities, and various other events.

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NYS LEAH is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) primarily supported by member families through annual dues. If you are interested in furthering the homeschooling mission in New York and would like to donate please click on the link below. We’re eternally grateful for your partnership and support of homeschooling families throughout New York.

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